Basic Bible Lesson for Middleschoolers

This page has basic Sunday School Bible lessons for Middle School age kids.

For my very first class I ask a simple question: “Why did Jesus come?” You will hear the simple answers the kids were taught in elementary school: “To save us from our sins.” That’s a good answer but it’s not what we’re looking for. Keep asking the same question. Any answer is a good answer. Encourage them to talk. I sometime toss candy to liven things up and set the tone for later classes.

Eventually you will say, “The answer you’re looking for is: Jesus came to clear a path for us to get to God.” These kids are just beginning to be able to think abstractly. It’s time to introduce them to an invisible, all-knowing, all-powerful God. These basic Bible Lessons will help.

Basic Bible Lessons

The 13 Most Important Bible Lessons for Teenagers
By Group Publishing

Teenagers with a firm foundation are not easily swayed in situations that challenge their faith. These thirteen lessons instill a solid faith on the nature and character of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, why we need the Bible and apply it to our lives, Biblical perspectives on creation, human nature, and suffering plus much more. With concise and easy-to-use handouts, teachers will be able to help teenagers learn vital faith concepts with ease. Perfect for Youth Group ministry or teen Sunday School.

What does God Sound Like?

Basic Teen Bible Lesson

Click on image to download FREE .pdf of this Bible Lesson Plan

The goal of this Bible lesson is to ready the kids to hear and expect to hear from God. They also must begin to seek to hear but also test what they hear. We will be discussing the ways that Christians hear God.

This is a one page Bible lesson plan with a movie clip suggestion to begin.

Use the reverse side of the Sunday school lesson plan to print pictures of previous youth group activities.

These lessons are free to use but if you would like to support our ministry you may make a donation using this button. Thank you for your support.

These lessons are free to use but if you would like to support our ministry you may make a donation using this button. Thank you for your support. More information about donations.

Teen Bible Lessons

What is God Like

This is a good website to expand on your understanding of God and help you make more Bible lessons for the middle school age students.

Bible-in-Life: Middle School The Rock Student Book, Spring 2025

Bible Lesson handoutThis eight-page student paper contains a Bible study for use during the lesson. The Bible Lesson Focus is presented in a variety of creative ways: through no and fiction stories, stories written by preteens and teens, how-to articles, puzzles, surveys, and more. The back page provides Everyday devotions, a six-day devotional schedule for students, to help them stay in the Word throughout the week. Perfect for in-class discussion and family interaction at home. Order 1 per student in Middle School.

I use these handouts for the Sundays the pastor wants to keep the kids in the entire service. This keeps the younger middle school age attendee quiet and occupied leaning a Bible lesson on their level.

They make a new Bible lesson handout every quarter.

What Does God Look Like?

With this Bible lesson study we introduce the kids to the abstract idea of an invisible God, pretty much indescribable in Teen Bible Lessonhuman terms. As children they can only grasp concrete ideas. Stories in the Bible involving people as well as an understanding of Jesus (a human) are understood. In this lesson we focus on the immensity of God the Father. We also discus practical applications of worshiping a spirit in spirit and in truth.

This is a two page Bible lesson with leaders guide.

Note: In this lesson we touch on some unbiblical teachings and mysticism that can mislead Christians in this area. Click here for a link to an article discussing this issue from the conservative end of the spectrum. While I do not endorse this article it is useful to understand both sides of the issue.


These lessons are free to use but if you would like to support our ministry you may make a donation using this button. Thank you for your support. More information about donations.

Teen Bible Lessons

Using The Shack as a learning tool:

The Shack

Knowledge Of The Holy

I used a quote from The Shack in this Bible lesson and drew a lot of information about the attributes of God from this A.W Tozer book, The Knowledge of the Holy: The Attributes of God: Their Meaning in the Christian Life.  IBS offers a response to The Shack called Finding God In The Shack offered thru the right column.

A.W Tozer was an awesome theologian. There are other books by him on this same subject including The Attributes of God Volume 1 & 2: A Journey Into the Father’s Heart.
Really good stuff.



What’s God Up To?

The goal of this Bible lesson is to expand teens realization
of the intimate relationship God has planned for us with the culmination of time.What is God up to?

Biblical knowledge is hard pressed to keep up with the excitement and adrenaline rush provided by today’s entertainment. Kids are bored with Christianity. If they only knew what they were in for the inexpressible joy promised by God when we unite with Him.
This Bible lesson is a real eye-opener for the kids and adults as Christianity hasn’t been taught in exactly this light.

This is a two page Bible lesson plan with a pre-lesson activity (no preparation or supplies needed) and teachers guide.


These lessons are free to use but if you would like to support our ministry you may make a donation using this button. Thank you for your support. More information about donations.

Teen Bible Lessons

This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years
By Jaquelle Crowe / Crossway

This Changes EverthingThe teen years have been hijacked -by fashion, music, movies, and games; by the pressures of school, peers, and society; and by superficial expectations set by the world. But there is something more glorious than all these influences that has the power to change the life of a teenager: the gospel.

Written by a teenager for teenagers, This Changes Everything is a deeply theological yet practical and accessible book on how the gospel radically transforms every aspect of the teen years, including pursuing relationships, managing time, combating personal sin, and cultivating healthy habits. In a culture awash with low expectations for young people, this book exhorts teenagers to embrace a gospel-centered perspective on their lives and pursue wholehearted devotion to Christ now.