Spiritual Warfare; Spiritual Armor; and the Spiritual Realm.
Three free teen Bible lessons on this page about Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Armor for Christian Teenagers, and our real home in the “heavenly realms.”
Young Christians are easy prey if they are unaware, and unprepared for the spiritual battles they face. Youth pastors must get their teenage disciples armored up as quickly as possible.
The Armor of God, Pamphlet
By Rose Publishing
Put on the full Armor of God and defend yourself against the attacks of the enemy! This full color pamphlet leads you through Ephesians 6:10-18, giving the historical context and spiritual application for each piece of armor. Perfect for Bible Study or teenage Sunday school class.
Packed with fascinating charts and illustrations, The Armor of God pamphlet is 8 1/2″ x 5 1/2″, protected by a glossy coating, and easy to carry inside of your Bible, folder, or binder. See my free Teen Bible Lesson plan below.
The Spiritual realm of the Bible
Jesus speaks a lot of the spiritual realm. It is as real to Him as our world of flesh and blood. Even tho we cannot see the spiritual realm we experience the effects of the spiritual realm. Our thoughts can be coerced and our perceptions corrupted by these unseen forces unless we have the Word Of Truth to compare to.
Unlike younger kids, middle school age children can grasp the abstract concepts of the spiritual world. They must understand that they are part of a larger whole. Christians must also understand their place in the universe that has both physical and spiritual realms. They must be aware of all of the aspects of our existence.
In The World But Not Of The World![printable Teen Bible lesson]()
Jesus states plainly in John 17:13-18 that we are in the world but not of the world. We belong somewhere else. In this teen Bible lesson we discuss where we are from and why we are here.
Christians have a mission. How should we lives our lives in the realization of this mission?
This is a one page lesson with leaders guide.
Being a Star Trek fan I frequently use snippets as illustrations. This YouTube® video speaks about Commander Sisko as being “of” Bajor (a nearby planet) even tho he was born on earth. See the back story in the leaders guide.
These lessons are free to use but if you would like to support our ministry you may make a donation using this button. Thank you for your support. More information about donations.
The Great House of God
By Max Lucado / Thomas Nelson
God doesn’t want to be your weekend getaway. His greatest desire is to be your everyday dwelling place—the home for your heart. Exploring the Lord’s Prayer phrase by phrase, Lucado uses it as a floor plan to illustrate God’s great house and all it has to offer—including spiritual nourishment, fellowship, and forgiveness. Includes a study guide.
A Word Of Caution About Heavenly Realms Teaching:
There is a mountain of false teachings about experiencing “heavenly realms.” These false teachers will entice you with statement like: “The secret to answered prayers is listening to the words spoken in heaven and releasing them into your life. These are prayers that God always answers!”
People desperately seek deliverance from their troubles by using God’s power in their lives. While praying about concerns is not wrong, attempting to supernaturally improve your life is. What makes it sinful is the motive of self-centeredness.
When teaching about spiritual beliefs be very careful not to slide beyond the limits of the teachings in the Bible into “secret teachings.”
Spiritual Warfare for Christian Teenagers![Spiritual warfare for the Christian teenager]()
The goal of this lesson is to assuage young believers fears about their enemy, encourage them to prepare for battle, and give them a concrete method of defense against spiritual attack.
It is a one page lesson plan with leaders guide. There is a no-prep pre-lesson activity. There is also a post-lesson activity if you have time.
To help your students understand and deal with Satan as the accuser see my lesson, “Conviction or Condemnation.”
To expand your teaching on spiritual warfare see my teen Bible study lesson, “The Battle For Your Brain” as well as “Know Your Enemy” parts one and two.
These lessons are free to use but if you would like to support our ministry you may make a donation using this button. Thank you for your support. More information about donations.
Believing in invisible beings seems crazy to most people.
In this YouTube® clip of an old sitcom called Soap, Bert thinks he can become invisible. I use the clip in class to add a little levity to the subject of an invisible enemy that might scare kids a little.
Overcoming the Enemy Your greatest enemy is Satan and he is behind the temptations and battles you face each day. In Overcoming the Enemy, Dr. Charles Stanley sheds light on the nature of our enemy and exposes many of the tactics he uses to bring heartache and sorrow. Learn to fight back using the weapons of spiritual warfare made available to us through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. 10 Lessons. |
Spiritual Armor for Christian Teenagers
The goal of this lesson is to make young believers aware that help against spiritual forces of evil exists . We must encourage kids to get “armored up” so they can withstand the devils attempts to cause them harm. We take an in-depth look at Jesus being tempted by the enemy and how He handled it. Bible memorization is one of the ways we can make our spiritual armor stronger.
This a two page lesson plan with leaders guide and pre-lesson activity.
It is a good followup lesson to Spiritual Warfare shown above.
I also mention that we gain discernment by reading and understanding the truth of the Bible. See my teen Bible lesson on Discernment. At the end of the lesson see if the kids have interest in going thru the “Becoming a Contagious Christian” course.
I like to teach this lesson just before school resumes in the fall to boost the students confidence as they walk back in to what can be a hostile environment.
These lessons are free to use but if you would like to support our ministry you may make a donation using this button. Thank you for your support. More information about donations.
Preparing For Battle
By Mark I. Bubeck / Moody Publishers
Satan is real and his goal is to destroy you—is he succeeding? Discover how to fight off his poisoned arrows! Divided into five lessons, Bubeck’s comprehensive workbook provides prayers, Scripture to memorize, discussion questions, and more to equip you with a strong spiritual arsenal to repel the assaults of the enemy.
How to teach Bible lessons on Spiritual Armor for Christian Teenagers
Helping teenagers build their spiritual armor can take many weeks and many lessons. I realize that Spiritual Armor, and Spiritual Warfare is one of the main topics of this website. That’s because the kids in my Sunday School classes actually bring up these subjects and ask for help.
Teaching a multi-part Sunday school class or successive Bible studies can really be a challenge when the kids attending your group change from week to week. Read my blog post on Teaching multi-Part Sunday School Lessons.
Listen to your kids to catch glimpses of hurt in their hearts. The hurt is there even if they look all shinny on the outside. Your kids have hurts. They need armor. They need you.